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Digitising health & quality with "Core" monitoring

LateFoss Ltd.

Required firmware support for a grant funded project using BLE data streaming for a prototype medical sensor.


Start-Up | Wearable Tech | Sports, Health & Fitness Sectors | PC Display | Datalogging

The Problem

Project Background

Latefoss™ is an innovative start-up based in London UK, that specializes in spine-trunk wearable technology for the sports, health, and wellness sectors. Originating from a pressing need to address “back pain” and attention to biomechanics that often elude traditional fitness trackers, They leverage advanced machine learning and state-of-the-art wearables to enhance the quality of life and unroll awareness on Having individual's movement patterns.
Having been successful in Innovate Grant Funding, Latefoss required a software team to improve the streaming rate and quality from their sensors. This information was to be displayed on a custom PC Application.

Key Objectives:

The Solution

How we overcame the challenge

There were two parts to the solution that were delivered to the client, the first was an embedded program for a Nordic processor, the second a PC application. The nRF52 series of processor was used in this design. Data was obtained from ADCs and an IMU and packed to be streamed to the PC at a rate of 100Hz. The PC application connected to the device and registered events on data received. The BLE packet was decoded into the appropriate data and logged into a CSV file. The data within this file was able to be replayed in the PC application and compared to a second file. This allowed visual analysis of the data between two files. The PC application had a tricky update jitter that was caused by the refresh rate of the UI. Because of this, one in every ten messages was examined to update the graphics. The graphs displayed each data point.

Key Challenges:

What we did

Design Services Required

Software Design After Hover

Software Development


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